Historical Jesus Theories (bibliography)
Computer reconstruction based on 1st century Israeli skull.
There are many different of the . Below are some of them (one book per scholar). Also see .
Jesus the Apocalyptic Prophet
- by Dale Allison
- by Bart Ehrman
- by E.P. Sanders
- by Paula Fredriksen
- by Gerd Ludemann
- A Marginal Jew, & & by John Meier
Jesus the Myth
- by Earl Doherty
- by G.A. Wells
- by Robert Price
- by Allvar Ellegard
Jesus the Savior
- by N.T. Wright
- by Gregory Boyd and Paul Eddy
- by Luke Timothy Johnson
- by Robert H. Stein
Jesus the Wisdom Sage
- by John Dominic Crossan
- by Robert Funk
- by Burton Mack
Jesus the Social Prophet
- by Richard Horsley
- by Hyam MacCoby
- by William Herzog
Jesus the Spirit Man
- by Marcus Borg
- by Steven Davies
- by Geza Vermes
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